How to Get Certified as a Library Media Specialist in NH

Library Media Specialist (LMS) is listed as an Instructional Specialist on NH’s Department of Education Endorsement listCurrently, candidates must hold a bachelor’s degree and demonstrate skills, competencies, and knowledge under the 508.07 Credential Standards for Education Personnel.

Library Media Specialist was added to the Critical Shortage list in August 2023. This means that schools are able to hire individuals without a current LMS certification with a site-based license. Read more about Site-Based Licenses on the Department's website.

We continue to monitor updates to the rules.

In order to earn your certification, you will need to demonstrate competency in multiple areas. You can do that through work experience or graduate-level coursework.

You can search for programs that lead to a certification-only, Masters of Library Science (MLS), Masters of Library and Information Science (MLIS), or Masters of Education (MEd) with a major in school librarianship. The American Library Association (ALA) accredits MLS and MLIS programs (find a searchable database here). The American Association of School Librarians (AASL) nationally recognizes programs with a major in school librarianship (find a list of programs here).

If you have questions about the process, need help navigating the rules, or would like help selecting a program that is right for you, please contact our Certifications Chair:

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